Barrack's Hospitality Group offers full service catering to corporate and social events including meetings, banquets, open houses, receptions, weddings, theme events, outdoor events, picnics, and other party type events. See our list of unique event sites we cater to. We also cater to churches, businesses, parks, and homes! Catering to ... "Your Place or Ours".
Barrack's Cater Inn Banquet Center is located at 1224 W. Pioneer Parkway. The facility accommodates up to 400 guests. Off-premise catering is available anywhere in Central Illinois. Food service is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
Barrack’s is known for their exceptional food quality, presentation, personalized service, and attention to detail.
From planning the menu and décor to providing special equipment, serving 2 to 2,000 guests…we’re at your service!
Spanning over three generations, the Barrack family food establishments have evolved from a small confectionery in Chillicothe to the present day Barrack's Cater Inn Banquet Center & Catering at 1224 W. Pioneer Parkway.
Here is a timeline of the Barrack family food establishments:
Chillicothe Confectionary 1933
Perry Snack Shop 1935-40
Peoria Diner 1940-51 5 corner – Franklin, Jefferson, Harrison & 2nd st., open 24/7
Campus Grill 1951-52
Mary & Jim’s Restaurant 1952-74 - Harrison St. then Liberty St.
Cater Inn 1974-87
Barrack’s Cater Inn 1987- present
In 1964, Richard Barrack catered his first off-premise party from his parent's restaurant, Mary & Jim's on Liberty Street.
Mary & Jim's On Liberty
Jim Barrack's Grandparents,
Jim & Mary Barrack
In 1974 Richard Barrack went exclusively into catering, operating from a small kitchen at 1800 N. Knoxville. Richard's son, James, joined the business full time in 1982, fulfilling Richard's dream of a father and son team.
During the 13 years at Knoxville, the number of parties grew from 3 parties per week to 3 per day. At that time, the Barrack's employed 2 full time employees with a list of on-call service personnel.
Good quality food and personalized customer service made the business more demanding for a bigger facility.
In 1987, Richard and James opened their own banquet center on 1224 W. Pioneer Parkway, with a capacity of serving up to 400 guests. At this time, more kitchen and office personnel were needed to serve the numerous businesses, organizations, and individual patrons.
In 1988, an article of their success appeared in a National Catering Today magazine with a full color page of their vegetable sculptures.
In 1990 Cater Inn was selected by Dr. George Inglett to participate in preparing food for a taste test, with the newly developed fat substitute, Oatrim. In October 1996, Cater Inn once again was privileged to prepare a menu utilizing Z-Trim, developed by Dr. Inglett.
From 1992 to 2000, Barrack's Cater Inn operated the foodservice for all Wildlife Prairie Park events, including Sunday brunches.
Current food service accounts include East Port Banquet Center, Stoney Creek Inn, Ravina on the Lakes, Riverfront Museum, Packard Plaza, Gateway Building, Venue Chisca, Five Points Washington, Trailside Event Center and many others.
Barrack's Cater Inn now averages 5 to 6 events per day and employs approximately 50 full and part-time employees. Cater Inn boasts over 1200 company/organization patrons and countless individual patrons. With increasing business and new marketing ideas, sales have increased 700% since 1986. Yearly, Barrack's caterers more than 1,950 events, representing approximately 150,000 people.
Barrack's Cater Inn is recognized for quality customer service and received the "2002 Outstanding Small Business of the Year Award" from the Peoria Area Chamber of Commerce and again received the same award in 2017 for a company with over 26 employees.
Barrack's has been the recipient, for numerous years, of the Journal Star's Reader's Choice Award or "Best of the Best Award" for "Best Banquet Facility."
In 2004, the business was also featured in the national trade publication, CATERSOURCE.
Barrack's Cater Inn contributes unserved food weekly to Heart of IL Harvest, an organization that feeds the hungry, and contributes to many other local charitable organizations.
In February 1996, Richard Barrack, the company's founder and past President, retired after 40 years in food service.
James Barrack, President and C.E.O. of Barrack's Cater Inn, attributes the success of the business to maintaining the Barrack family tradition of excellence for serving fine food, offering personalized service implemented by a dedicated staff, and sustained by the confidence and trust of our patrons.
Barrack's Hospitality Group
1224 W. Pioneer Parkway Peoria, IL 61615
Jim & Lana Barrack